Visiontyping - A New Way to Get Buy-In from Leadership

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What is Visiontyping?

Visiontyping is a way to convey not just a product, but the long term goals and strategies associated with a new project. Instead of being for the production team, visiontypes are the best way to give leadership a bird’s eye view of what you’re hoping to achieve with your new launch. When meeting with executives, C-suite leaders, and outside investors, the big vision is more important than the small details. Instead of an interface or copy, visiontyping demonstrates expected outcomes, including projected growth and benefit for the business, by conveying the overall goals and targets of the new product.


How Visiontyping is Used

Visiontyping is used for executive, leadership & stakeholder buy-in, as well as getting cross-team projects on the same page and working towards the same goal. While the developers or product managers may have a clear idea of the direction of a new product, leadership from across an organization, from sales and marketing, to finance and founders, need to all be on the same page and supporting a product in the right direction for the final launch to be a success. Visiontyping incorporates information that is important for a variety of departments and divisions of an organization, and can increase buy-in and enthusiasm across the team. It can also help other teams begin to prepare for promoting, selling, and sharing the new product.


How Visiontyping is Different From Prototyping

Visiontyping is a presentation focused on high-level outlook and goals, primarily for the benefit of leadership and stakeholders who need to support, but won’t actually be involved in the building and creation of a product. On the other hand, prototyping is a much more precise, detailed, and granular representation of the final product to ensure that what is being built aligns with the final vision of the product. Prototyping as an essential step in building a new software or app, while not every project will need a visiontyping presentation.

When Your Team Should Use Visiontyping

Visiontyping is most effective at the start of a project, before a single piece of code or mockup is made. Getting alignment in the vision of the product from leadership, as well as across the multiple teams that will be supporting the project, is critical to making sure that the production process goes smoothly, and that everyone’s work is collaborative and purposeful. If you have the development team thinking one thing, and marketing has another idea, it can create confusion down the road. Especially if your organization has defined silos of work and responsibility instead of integrated product teams, visiontyping is even more essential.


Visiontyping is one of the best ways to get your product on the path to success. By bringing together leadership and diverse teams to create a cohesive vision for your next product, you are ensuring that your product will be built with a strong foundation for a successful launch!

About the author

Steve Coppola is a user experience & digital marketing professional - and founder of Input UX. With close to 30 years of agency experience, he has worked with many of the world's most respected brands in various capacities including UI/UX design, product design, customer research, usability testing, and front end development.
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